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Posts Categorized: Announcement

Help is Just a Click Away Image

Help is Just a Click Away

Announcement| Services

Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) offer increased independence for older adults, those with medical conditions, and those who live alone. These systems are tailored to your needs with the option of connecting with family, a friend, or emergency responders in the event of a...

Made Better By Caring Image

Made Better By Caring

Announcement| Services

A good caregiver becomes a member of your family and helps you or your loved one remain healthy, active, and part of the community.  They provide the compassionate care needed to make it through day-to-day activities while assisting you to maintain your desired level of independence. The goal to...

Nursing Services also known as Private Duty or Skilled Nursing Image

Nursing Services also known as Private Duty or Skilled Nursing


Nurses deliver skilled nursing to infants, children, adults, elderly and those with complex medical needs. These Nursing services are available on an, long-term, or hourly basis up to 24-hours of care. Nurses provide an array of in-home supports designed to ensure the highest level of independence and prevent acute...

Stay Safe and Healthy in Your Own Home Image

Stay Safe and Healthy in Your Own Home


In-home care is a safe alternative to nursing homes and long-term hospital stays, allowing you to remain in your home as circumstances change. Consumer Direct Care Network provides Nursing (often called Private Duty Nursing), Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS), and Medication Dispenser Units through our Nursing division (also known...

We Are All Connected By A Shared Common Vision Image

We Are All Connected By A Shared Common Vision


Consumer Direct Care Network (CDCN) has worked to help Montanans stay healthy and safe in their homes since 1990. We serve Montanans in a range of capacities including through Community First Choice (CFC) and Personal Assistance Services (PAS) caregiving, Private Duty Nursing (through the Big Sky Waiver, EPSDT program,...

Nominate Your Caregiver Image

Nominate Your Caregiver

Announcement| DSP Appreciation

Is your caregiver the Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Year? We want to know about it! Consumer Direct Care Network understands how important DSPs are to helping people maximize their independence in their homes and community. Across the nation, dedicated DSPs provide essential caregiving and give individuals the...

Disability vote & what it means Image

Disability vote & what it means


“Vote as if your life depends on it… because it does.” – Justin Dart. This quote not only emphasizes our responsibility to exercise our civil right to vote, it also communicates that securing our rights and freedoms is a continued effort. Preserving the dignity of all people and defining...

Nominate Your Caregiver! Image

Nominate Your Caregiver!


The Care Network understands how important Direct Support Professionals (DSP) are to helping people maximize their independence in their home and community. Across the nation, dedicated DSPs provide essential caregiving and give individuals the needed support to live the life they want. We invite you to nominate a caregiver...
