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Posts By: Jessie Rogers

Nominate Your Caregiver! Image

Nominate Your Caregiver!


The Care Network understands how important Direct Support Professionals (DSP) are to helping people maximize their independence in their home and community. Across the nation, dedicated DSPs provide essential caregiving and give individuals the needed support to live the life they want. We invite you to nominate a caregiver...

2017 DSP Appreciation Image

2017 DSP Appreciation


I am thankful to live in this great land where we are afforded the right to maintain independence at home and in the community.  I grew up with cerebral palsy and have needed assistance with daily living activities for my whole life.  I’m also thankful to work for a...

“All Abilities” Films Set To Open Image

“All Abilities” Films Set To Open


Each year, the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival brings rich, thought-provoking non-fiction films to Missoula. For the second year, Consumer Direct Care Network Montana is pleased to sponsor the “All Abilities” strand. Our Montana Care Network champions the power of film to offer insight and understanding into the lives...

Volunteering At Missoula Food Bank Image

Volunteering At Missoula Food Bank


This January, our team volunteered at the Missoula Food Bank. Last year, our local food bank served 21,021 individuals and distributed 1,630,049 pounds of food to people in need. Really cool! We are happy to serve such a noble cause. Being able to give back to our community...

Lack of exercise ‘twice as deadly’ as obesity Image

Lack of exercise ‘twice as deadly’ as obesity


Just 20 minutes of brisk walking a day may be all it takes to lessen a sedentary person’s risk of early death, says a new study. The researchers also found the risk of early death due to lack of exercise is double that posed by obesity and does not...

Why is drinking water Important? Image

Why is drinking water Important?


Many people may take drinking water for granted, but keeping hydrated can have a huge impact on overall health. Despite how crucial it is that people drink enough water, a significant amount of people may be failing to drink recommended levels of fluids each day. Around of 70% of...

Learn More About Stress & Health Image

Learn More About Stress & Health


Medical News Today recently published an excellent article on stress and it’s implications on your health. “Stress is significantly associated with virtually all the major areas of disease,” Prof. Hobfoll told MNT. We found this article very compelling and beneficial. To learn more about stress and how it impacts...
